Compare sPlotOpen to published trait maps
Compare sPlotOpen to published trait maps#
In order to assess the added value of citizen science data for global trait mapping, we compared the trait products generated in this study with trait products from previous studies obtained via extrapolations (see manuscript for references and details).
Traits: Leaf N/mass, Leaf N/area, SLA
This section covers:
Load GeoTiff published maps
Calculate weighted r
Comparison of new iNaturalist maps to Schiller maps
# packages
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# for calculating grid areas
from pyproj import Proj # allows for different projections
from shapely.geometry import shape # for calculating areas
Load published maps from GeoTiff#
We use xarray to load the geotiffs containing the published maps:
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
path = "published_maps/05deg/"
files = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))]
import xarray as xr
['other_nit_05deg.tif', 'other_nita_05deg.tif', 'other_sla_05deg.tif']
def cubeFile(file):
name = file.replace(".tif","")
sr = xr.open_dataset(path + file,engine = "rasterio",chunks = 1024)
sr = sr.assign_coords({"variable":name})
return sr
da = xr.concat([cubeFile(x) for x in files],dim = "variable")
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (band: 6, x: 720, y: 360, variable: 3) Coordinates: * band (band) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 * x (x) float64 -179.8 -179.2 -178.8 -178.2 ... 178.8 179.2 179.8 * y (y) float64 89.75 89.25 88.75 88.25 ... -88.75 -89.25 -89.75 spatial_ref int64 0 * variable (variable) <U16 'other_nit_05deg' ... 'other_sla_05deg' Data variables: band_data (variable, band, y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 6, 360, 720), meta=np.ndarray>
Check output by visualizing one band:
da.sel(band = 1).band_data.sel(variable = 'other_nit_05deg').plot.imshow()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f099bd204c0>
Calculate weighted r for each published map in relation to sPlotOpen#
def lat_weights(lat_unique, deg):
from pyproj import Proj
from shapely.geometry import shape
# determine weights per grid cell based on longitude
# keep only one exemplary cell at each distance from equator
# weights per approximated area of grid size depending on distance from equator
# make dictionary
weights = dict()
for j in lat_unique:
# the four corner points of the grid cell
p1 = (0 , j+(deg/2))
p2 = (deg , j+(deg/2) )
p3 = (deg, j-(deg/2))
p4 = (0, j-(deg/2) )
# Calculate polygon surface area
co = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[p1,p2,p3,p4]]}
# Projection equal area used:
projection_string="+proj=aea +lat_1=" + str(lat_1) + " +lat_2=" + str(lat_2) + " +lat_0=" + str(lat_0) + " +lon_0=" + str(lon_0)
lon, lat = zip(*co['coordinates'][0])
pa = Proj(projection_string)
x, y = pa(lon, lat)
cop = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [zip(x, y)]}
area = (shape(cop).area/1000000)
# set coord to center of grid cell
coord = j
weights[coord] = area
# turn area into proportion with area/max.area:
max_area = max(weights.values())
for key in weights.keys():
weights[key] = weights[key]/max_area
return weights
def weighted_r(df, col_1, col_2, col_lat, weights, r2=False):
# map weights to dataframe
df['Weights'] = df[col_lat].map(weights)
# calculate weighted correlation
import statsmodels.api as statmod
d1 = statmod.stats.DescrStatsW( df[[col_1, col_2]], df['Weights'] )
corr = d1.corrcoef[0][1]
# optional
# calculate r2
if r2 == True:
corr = corr**2
return corr
Calculate weighted r for Leaf N per mass, per area, and for specific leaf area (SLA)
other_trait = ['other_nit_05deg', 'other_nita_05deg', 'other_sla_05deg']
trait = ['Leaf N per mass', 'Leaf N per area', 'SLA']
r_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=trait)
deg = 0.5
for b in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]:
r_grid = []
for t in [0,1,2]:
# open sPlotData
filename="grid_means_" + str(deg) + "_deg.csv"
raster_means = pd.read_csv(filename)
raster_means = raster_means[~raster_means.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
# subset only one trait
raster_means_trait = raster_means[raster_means['Trait']==trait[t]]
lat_unique = raster_means_trait['y_bin'].unique()
weights = lat_weights(lat_unique, deg=deg)
if b == 0:
# iNaturalist Data
# drop nan's
raster_means_trait = raster_means_trait.dropna()
# calculate weighted r
r_trait = weighted_r(raster_means_trait, "TraitValue_sPlot", "TraitValue_iNat", "y_bin", weights)
# published data
df = da.sel(band = b).band_data.sel(variable = other_trait[t]).to_dataset().to_dataframe().reset_index()
df['variable'] = trait[t]
raster_means_trait = pd.merge(raster_means_trait, df, left_on = ["Trait","x_bin", "y_bin"], right_on = ["variable", "x", "y"])
raster_means_trait.drop(["variable", "x", "y", "spatial_ref", "TraitValue_iNat", "band"], axis=1, inplace=True)
# log band_data
raster_means_trait['band_data'] = np.log(raster_means_trait['band_data'])
# drop nan's
raster_means_trait = raster_means_trait.dropna()
raster_means_trait = raster_means_trait[~raster_means_trait.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]).any(1)]
if raster_means_trait.empty:
r_trait = 'NaN'
# calculate weighted r
r_trait = weighted_r(raster_means_trait, "TraitValue_sPlot", "band_data", "y_bin", weights)
# add to trait r's
s = pd.Series(r_grid, index=r_all.columns)
# add new series of r at a certain resolution to df
r_all = r_all.append(s, ignore_index=True)
Order of data sets in df:
Leaf N per mass / Leaf N per area: 0. iNaturalis
SLA: 0. iNaturalist
We exclude the Schiller maps in our interpretation, since they are not extrapolated.
# correlations (r)
Leaf N per mass | Leaf N per area | SLA | |
0 | 0.369761 | 0.533832 | 0.511926 |
1 | 0.240489 | 0.413235 | 0.366148 |
2 | 0.084643 | 0.451688 | 0.309404 |
3 | 0.253438 | 0.461684 | 0.481250 |
4 | 0.402281 | 0.547655 | -0.023888 |
5 | 0.235077 | -0.061551 | 0.396958 |
6 | NaN | NaN | 0.537115 |