Density vs. Difference#

We want determine if the number of observations per pixel in the iNaturalis map relates to the difference between the sPlotOpen and iNaturalist map.

This section covers:

  • Load Data

  • Count observations per grid cell

  • Observation density vs. Discrepancy between iNat and sPlotOpen

# packages
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

Load Data#

Load iNaturalist-TRY data and sPlotOpen community weighted means

iNat_TRY = pd.read_csv("iNat_TRY_log.csv")
gbifID scientificName decimalLatitude decimalLongitude eventDate dateIdentified Dispersal unit length Leaf Area SLA Leaf C ... Leaf delta15N Leaf N P ratio Leaf P Plant Height Seed mass Seed length Seeds per rep. unit Stem conduit density SSD Conduit element length
0 1229615436 Commelina communis 35.987483 -79.057546 2013-07-07T00:00:00 2013-07-07T20:33:11 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 2.5362 0.536493 NaN 2.13771 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 3384000233 Commelina communis 42.093762 -75.923660 2021-08-23T13:06:06 2021-09-17T21:15:37 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 2.5362 0.536493 NaN 2.13771 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

2 rows × 24 columns

sPlot = pd.read_csv("sPlotOpen/cwm_loc.csv")
PlotObservationID TraitCoverage_cover Species_richness TraitCoverage_pa Leaf Area SSD SLA Leaf C Leaf N per mass Leaf P ... Height_shrubs_lowest Height_herbs_average Height_herbs_lowest Height_herbs_highest SoilClim_PC1 SoilClim_PC2 Resample_1 Resample_2 Resample_3 Resample_1_consensus
0 16 0.277778 3 0.333333 3.678311 -1.047293 2.890748 6.128157 2.873263 1.114036 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN -3.66 0.546 True False False True
1 17 0.038462 2 0.500000 3.678311 -1.047293 2.890748 6.128157 2.873263 1.114036 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN -3.66 0.546 True False False True

2 rows × 86 columns

Count observations per grid cell#

def global_grid_count(df, long, lat, deg, variables):
    # create new dataframe to save the average value of each grid cell and variable
    grouped_df = pd.DataFrame()
    # convert degree into step size
    step = int((360/deg) + 1)
    bins_x = np.linspace(-180,180,step) 
    bins_y= np.linspace(-90,90,int(((step - 1)/2)+1))
    # group latitude and longitude coordinates into bins
    # create new columns 'x_bin' and 'y_bin'
    df['x_bin'] = pd.cut(df[long], bins=bins_x)
    df['y_bin'] = pd.cut(df[lat], bins=bins_y)
    # raster coordinates are in center of raster cell
    df['x_bin'] = df['x_bin'].apply(lambda x: ((x.left + x.right) /2) )
    df['y_bin'] = df['y_bin'].apply(lambda x: ((x.left + x.right) /2) )
    grouped_df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['x_bin', 'y_bin'], keep='last')
    grouped_df = grouped_df[['x_bin', 'y_bin']]
    for v in variables:
        sub_df = df[['y_bin', 'x_bin', v]]
        # for each lat/lon group get count
        grouped_v = sub_df.groupby(['x_bin', 'y_bin'], as_index=False)[v].count()
        grouped_df = pd.merge(grouped_df, grouped_v, 
                    on= ['x_bin', 'y_bin'], 
    return grouped_df
# get counts

deg = [2]

trait = iNat_TRY.columns[6:24]

for d in deg:
    df_iNat = global_grid_count(iNat_TRY, 'decimalLongitude', 'decimalLatitude', d, trait)
    df_sPlot = global_grid_count(sPlot, 'Longitude', 'Latitude', d, trait)
    # reshape data, so that we have only one Trait column
    df_iNat_t = df_iNat.melt(id_vars=["x_bin", "y_bin"], 
    df_sPlot_t = df_sPlot.melt(id_vars=["x_bin", "y_bin"], 
    # merge sPlot and iNat data into one dataframe
    df_merged = pd.merge(df_sPlot_t, df_iNat_t, on=["x_bin", "y_bin", "Trait"] )
    # keep only lines where we have a pixel in both datasets
    df_merged = df_merged.dropna()
    # save result to csv
    filename="grid_count_" + str(d) + "_deg.csv"
    df_merged.to_csv(filename, index=False)

Compare observation density per grid cell to scaled difference between sPlot and iNaturalist#

Open file that saved the counts per grid cell:

counts = pd.read_csv(filename)
x_bin y_bin Trait Count_sPlot Count_iNat
0 -155.0 63.0 Dispersal unit length 109 0
1 -155.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 66 0
2 -157.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 7 2
3 -163.0 67.0 Dispersal unit length 1 40
4 -157.0 65.0 Dispersal unit length 1 13

Load grid cell means at 2 degree resolution:

means = pd.read_csv(filename)
x_bin y_bin Trait TraitValue_sPlot TraitValue_iNat
0 -157.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 0.872919 1.898598
1 -163.0 67.0 Dispersal unit length 1.282093 1.265103
2 -157.0 65.0 Dispersal unit length 1.267266 1.079049
3 -153.0 65.0 Dispersal unit length 1.326229 1.485913
4 -147.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 0.747151 0.876784

Normalize grid cell averages:

def quantile_norm(df, s1, s2, variables):
    # empty data frame to save output:
    df_norm = pd.DataFrame()
    for v in variables:
        # make subset df
        sub_exp = df[df['Trait']==v]
        sub_exp[s1] = np.exp(sub_exp[s1].copy())
        sub_exp[s2] = np.exp(sub_exp[s2].copy())
        # determine min and max values
        min_quantile = sub_exp[s1].quantile(0.05)
        max_quantile = sub_exp[s1].quantile(0.95)
        if min_quantile > sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.05):
            min_quantile = sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.05)
        if max_quantile < sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.95):
            max_quantile = sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.95)
        sub_exp[s1] = sub_exp[s1].apply(lambda x: (x - min_quantile)/(max_quantile - min_quantile))
        sub_exp[s2] = sub_exp[s2].apply(lambda x: (x - min_quantile)/(max_quantile - min_quantile))
        df_norm = pd.concat([df_norm, sub_exp])

    return df_norm

# normalize original values (exp of ln-values):
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
means = quantile_norm(means, "TraitValue_sPlot", "TraitValue_iNat", trait)
x_bin y_bin Trait TraitValue_sPlot TraitValue_iNat Difference
0 -157.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 0.133789 0.777220 0.643432
1 -163.0 67.0 Dispersal unit length 0.315624 0.306502 0.009122
2 -157.0 65.0 Dispersal unit length 0.307655 0.216120 0.091535
3 -153.0 65.0 Dispersal unit length 0.340059 0.438045 0.097986
4 -147.0 69.0 Dispersal unit length 0.091284 0.135182 0.043898
# calculate absolute difference

means['Difference'] = abs(means['TraitValue_iNat'] - means['TraitValue_sPlot'])
means = pd.merge(means, counts, on = ['x_bin', 'y_bin', 'Trait' ])

Remove outliers:

import scipy.stats as stats 
z_scores = stats.zscore(means['Difference'])
abs_z_scores = np.abs(z_scores)
filtered_entries = (abs_z_scores < 3)
means = means[filtered_entries]

Plot distribution of the difference between iNautralist and sPlotOpen in each respective cell:

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))

plt.hist(means["Difference"], range=[0, 2], color="midnightblue")
plt.title("Absolute difference distribtution")
ax.set(xlabel = "Absolute scaled difference (iNat - sPlotOpen)", ylabel="frequency")

plt.savefig('../Figures/Absolute_difference_distribtution.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2,5))

plt.title("Cell Counts iNaturalist")

plt.savefig('../Figures/Dist_cell_counts.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

We bin all grid cells by the number of observations they hold. Each bin is defined by the 25% quantiles in the dataset. We can see that the cells in the first bin have only a maximum of 20 observations and exhibit a greater discrepancy from sPlotOpen.

# define 25% quantile bins

means['Counts per grid cell'] = pd.cut(means['Count_iNat'], bins=[0

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))

sns.barplot(x='Counts per grid cell', y='Difference', data=means, ax=ax, color="midnightblue", errcolor = "red")
ax.set(xlabel = "Counts per grid cell in 25% quantiles", ylabel="Absolute difference (iNat - sPlotOpen)")
ax.set(title= "iNat Counts vs. absolute Difference")

plt.savefig('../Figures/diff_vs_counts_all.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

For each trait individually:

for t in trait:
    sub = means[means['Trait']==t]
    sub['Counts per grid cell'] = pd.cut(sub['Count_iNat'], bins=[0

    fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))
    sns.barplot(x='Counts per grid cell', y='Difference', data=sub, 
                ax=ax, color="midnightblue", errcolor = "red").set(title=t)
    ax.set(xlabel = "Counts per grid cell in 25% quantiles", ylabel="Difference (iNat - sPlotOpen)");

_images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_0.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_1.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_2.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_3.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_4.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_5.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_6.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_7.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_8.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_9.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_10.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_11.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_12.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_13.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_14.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_15.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_16.png _images/Chapter_7_Density_vs_Difference_30_17.png

Same plot for sPlotOpen plot count

means['Counts per grid cell'] = pd.cut(means['Count_sPlot'], bins=[0

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))

sns.barplot(x='Counts per grid cell', y='Difference', data=means, ax=ax, color="midnightblue", errcolor = "red")
ax.set(xlabel = "Counts per grid cell in 25% quantiles", ylabel="Difference (iNat - sPlotOpen)")

plt.savefig('../Figures/diff_vs_counts_sPlot.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')