Buffers around sPlots
Buffers around sPlots#
For the alternative approach of using a buffer around each sPlotOpen vegetation plot, we aggregate all iNaturalist observations around each plot individually within a certain radius, or buffer, and calculate the mean trait measurement inside the buffer.
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import os
from csv import writer
Load and project data#
iNat = pd.read_csv("iNat_TRY_log.csv")
Covert into geopandas dataframes
geo_iNat = gpd.GeoDataFrame( iNat.iloc[:,:], geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(iNat.decimalLongitude, iNat.decimalLatitude),
To obtain more equal area buffers, the latitudinal/longitudinal data is projected into ‘world sinusoidal projection’ (ESRI:54008).
geo_iNat = geo_iNat.to_crs("ESRI:54008")
Calculate iNaturalist values within buffer for a range of buffer sizes#
The iNaturalist observations within each buffer are aggregated and the average trait values calculated.
create bounding box for each plot
then use r-tree to aggregate iNat observations
See: https://geoffboeing.com/2016/10/r-tree-spatial-index-python/
# index iNaturalist
spatial_index = geo_iNat.sindex
# buffer size in meters
# for large buffersizes the run-time is substantial (days)
buffer_sizes = [1000,2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000,256000]
for i in buffer_sizes:
# directly update the point geometry with a polygon geometry for each sPlot
# unit is same as lat/long
# buffer 1 corresponds to 1 meter
# load sPlot data, convert to geopandas dataframe, and reproject
sPlot = pd.read_csv("sPlotOpen/cwm_loc.csv")
geo_sPlot = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sPlot, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(sPlot.Longitude, sPlot.Latitude), crs='epsg:4326')
geo_sPlot = geo_sPlot.to_crs("ESRI:54008")
geo_sPlot['geometry'] = geo_sPlot.geometry.buffer(i)
# sPlot id
filename = "Buffer_Rerun/all_buffer_means_" + str(i) + ".csv"
# define output csv headers:
column_names_iNat = iNat.columns[6:24]
ids = pd.Index(["PlotObservationID"])
obs_num = pd.Index(["NumberiNatObservations"])
column_names = ids.append(column_names_iNat)
column_names = obs_num.append(column_names)
sPlot_buffers_means = pd.DataFrame(columns=column_names)
# for each sPlot, find matches in buffer and calculate iNat mean:
for index, row in geo_sPlot.iterrows():
# get intersection
geometry = row["geometry"]
possible_matches_index = list(spatial_index.intersection(geometry.bounds))
possible_matches = geo_iNat.iloc[possible_matches_index]
precise_matches = possible_matches[possible_matches.intersects(geometry)]
# calculate average values for each trait of iNaturalist observations inside buffer zone
means = precise_matches.mean()
means['PlotObservationID'] = row['PlotObservationID']
sPlot_buffers_means = pd.DataFrame(columns=column_names)
sPlot_buffers_means = sPlot_buffers_means.append(means, ignore_index=True)
sPlot_buffers_means = sPlot_buffers_means.astype(str)
sPlot_buffers_means['NumberiNatObservations'] = str(len(precise_matches))
# write to file line by line