Differences among biomes#

We want to determine if the differnces between iNaturalist observations and sPlotOpen cwm’s differ across different biomes.

This section covers:

  • Load WWF terrestrial ecoregions and biomes

  • Clip observations into biomes

  • Calculate grid means for each biome

  • Visualize differences in boxplot

  • Quantification Average Difference

# packages
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas.tools import sjoin

Load WWF biome data#

We use the terrestrial biomes, as defined in the WWF terrestrial ecoregion map. The WWF terrestrial ecoregions shape files were downloaded from www.worldwildlife.org/publications/terrestrial-ecoregions-of-the-world.

wwf = gpd.read_file("WWF/wwf_terr_ecos.shp")
# remove arctic and antarctica
wwf = wwf[wwf["BIOME"] < 98]
OBJECTID AREA PERIMETER ECO_NAME REALM BIOME ECO_NUM ECO_ID ECO_SYM GBL_STAT ... G200_BIOME G200_STAT Shape_Leng Shape_Area area_km2 eco_code PER_area PER_area_1 PER_area_2 geometry
0 1 29.802942 0.219 Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves NT 14.0 4.0 61404.0 119.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.219475 0.002769 8174 NT1404 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLYGON ((-112.26972 29.32648, -112.28809 29.3...
1 2 11.977824 0.193 Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves NT 14.0 4.0 61404.0 119.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.193289 0.001111 8174 NT1404 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLYGON ((-112.19907 29.17528, -112.20740 29.1...
2 3 77301.372760 111.954 Sinaloan dry forests NT 2.0 28.0 60228.0 98.0 1.0 ... 2.0 1.0 111.951414 6.879188 77362 NT0228 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLYGON ((-109.11700 27.74142, -109.11228 27.7...
3 4 215.489182 1.274 Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves NT 14.0 4.0 61404.0 119.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 1.273654 0.019701 8174 NT1404 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLYGON ((-110.54179 27.38383, -110.54462 27.3...
4 5 19.639089 0.363 Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves NT 14.0 4.0 61404.0 119.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.363068 0.001791 8174 NT1404 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLYGON ((-110.52850 27.28641, -110.53336 27.2...

5 rows × 22 columns

Visualize biomes#

wwf['BIOME_str'] = wwf['BIOME'].astype(str)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,15))
wwf.plot(column='BIOME_str', ax=ax, cmap="tab20", legend=True);

Clip observations into biomes#

Load iNaturalist and sPlotOpen observations#

iNat_TRY = pd.read_csv("iNat_TRY_log.csv")
sPlot = pd.read_csv("sPlotOpen/cwm_loc.csv")
# make geopandas dataframes
# projection of wwf also in epsg:4326 
geo_iNat = gpd.GeoDataFrame( iNat_TRY.iloc[:,:24], geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(iNat_TRY.decimalLongitude, iNat_TRY.decimalLatitude), 
geo_sPlot = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sPlot, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(sPlot.Longitude, sPlot.Latitude), crs='epsg:4326')

Clip observations#

We use the geopandas clip() function to select the observations within the geometry of each biome:

# groupby wwf biomes
biomes = wwf.dissolve(by='BIOME')
biomes['BIOME'] = biomes.index
# clip data into biomes 
# run-time about 45 min.

iNat_with_biome = pd.DataFrame(columns=geo_iNat.columns)
iNat_with_biome['BIOME']  = []

for index, row in biomes.iterrows():
    polygon = row['geometry'] #shape of biome
    clipped = geo_iNat.clip(polygon) #select all observations within this shape
    # add biome
    clipped['BIOME'] = row['BIOME'] #add biome to corresponding observations
    iNat_with_biome = pd.concat([iNat_with_biome, clipped]) 
sPlot_with_biome = pd.DataFrame(columns=geo_sPlot.columns)
sPlot_with_biome['BIOME']  = []

for index, row in biomes.iterrows():
    polygon = row['geometry']
    sPlot_clipped = geo_sPlot.clip(polygon)
    # add biome
    sPlot_clipped['BIOME'] = row['BIOME']
    sPlot_with_biome = pd.concat([sPlot_with_biome, sPlot_clipped])
sPlot_with_biome.drop('geometry',axis=1).to_csv(r'sPlot_biomes.csv', index=False) 
iNat_with_biome.drop('geometry',axis=1).to_csv(r'iNat_biomes.csv', index=False) 

Calculate grid means for each biome#

iNat_with_biome = pd.read_csv("iNat_biomes.csv")
sPlot_with_biome = pd.read_csv("sPlot_biomes.csv")
/net/home/swolf/.conda/envs/cartopy/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:3172: DtypeWarning: Columns (55) have mixed types.Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
wwf = gpd.read_file("WWF/wwf_terr_ecos.shp")
# remove arctic and antarctica
wwf = wwf[wwf["BIOME"] < 98]
gbifID scientificName decimalLatitude decimalLongitude eventDate dateIdentified Dispersal unit length Leaf Area SLA Leaf C ... Leaf N P ratio Leaf P Plant Height Seed mass Seed length Seeds per rep. unit Stem conduit density SSD Conduit element length BIOME
0 1990599612 Macaranga tanarius 23.122994 120.534961 2019-01-25T14:51:00 2019-01-27T13:49:07 NaN 10.997687 2.848944 NaN ... NaN 1.064711 2.183426 3.427650 NaN NaN NaN -0.785087 NaN 1.0
1 1990599668 Adiantum capillus-veneris 23.123053 120.536422 2019-01-25T15:36:00 2019-01-27T14:22:54 NaN 4.088585 4.030621 NaN ... NaN -1.021651 -1.213114 -1.890699 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0
2 1978441599 Chloris barbata 23.123362 120.183891 2018-12-16T17:21:58 2018-12-16T13:14:40 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN -1.565953 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0
3 1883470731 Adiantum capillus-veneris 23.123363 120.536638 2018-03-11T11:48:00 2018-07-07T12:43:18 NaN 4.088585 4.030621 NaN ... NaN -1.021651 -1.213114 -1.890699 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0
4 2242806671 Dioscorea bulbifera 23.123399 120.533835 2019-04-28T10:44:00 2019-05-03T12:45:18 NaN 5.093750 3.785888 NaN ... NaN NaN NaN 1.736951 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0

5 rows × 25 columns

biome_types = sPlot_with_biome['BIOME'].unique().tolist() 
def global_grid_data(df, long, lat, deg, variables):
    # create new dataframe to save the average value of each grid cell and variable
    grouped_df = pd.DataFrame()
    # convert degree into step size
    step = int((360/deg) + 1)
    bins_x = np.linspace(-180,180,step) 
    bins_y= np.linspace(-90,90,int(((step - 1)/2)+1))
    # group latitude and longitude coordinates into bins
    # create new columns 'x_bin' and 'y_bin'
    df['x_bin'] = pd.cut(df[long], bins=bins_x)
    df['y_bin'] = pd.cut(df[lat], bins=bins_y)
    # raster coordinates are in center of raster cell
    df['x_bin'] = df['x_bin'].apply(lambda x: ((x.left + x.right) /2) )
    df['y_bin'] = df['y_bin'].apply(lambda x: ((x.left + x.right) /2) )
    grouped_df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['x_bin', 'y_bin'], keep='last')
    grouped_df = grouped_df[['x_bin', 'y_bin']]
    for v in variables:
        sub_df = df[['y_bin', 'x_bin', v]]
        grouped_v = sub_df.groupby(['x_bin', 'y_bin'], as_index=False)[v].mean()
        grouped_df = pd.merge(grouped_df, grouped_v, 
                    on= ['x_bin', 'y_bin'], 
    return grouped_df
trait = iNat_TRY.columns[6:24]

for i in biome_types:
    # subset biome
    iNat_sub = iNat_with_biome[iNat_with_biome['BIOME']==i]
    sPlot_sub = sPlot_with_biome[sPlot_with_biome['BIOME']==i]
    # get grid means
    df_iNat = global_grid_data(iNat_sub, 'decimalLongitude', 'decimalLatitude', deg=2, variables=trait)
    df_sPlot = global_grid_data(sPlot_sub, 'Longitude', 'Latitude', deg=2, variables=trait)
    # reshape data, so that we have only one Trait column
    df_iNat_t = df_iNat.melt(id_vars=["x_bin", "y_bin"], 
    df_sPlot_t = df_sPlot.melt(id_vars=["x_bin", "y_bin"], 
    # merge sPlot and iNat data into one dataframe
    df_merged = pd.merge(df_sPlot_t, df_iNat_t, on=["x_bin", "y_bin", "Trait"] )
    # keep only lines where we have a pixel in both datasets
    df_merged = df_merged.dropna()
    # save result to csv
    filename="WWF/grid_means_biome" + str(i) + "_2deg.csv"
    df_merged.to_csv(filename, index=False)

Check work by plotting the different biomes:

for i in biome_types:

    # cut iNaturalist into a grid based on latitude and longitude
    iNat_with_biome_sub = iNat_with_biome[iNat_with_biome['BIOME']==i]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
    ax = plt.subplot(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    ax.coastlines(resolution='110m', color='pink', linewidth=1.5)
    ax.set_extent([-180, 180, -90, 90], ccrs.PlateCarree())
    hb = ax.hexbin(iNat_with_biome_sub['decimalLongitude'], 
               C=iNat_with_biome_sub['Leaf Area'],
               gridsize=(200, 60),
               extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90],
               vmin=iNat_TRY['Leaf Area'].quantile(0.01),
               vmax=iNat_TRY['Leaf Area'].quantile(0.99))
    cb = fig.colorbar(hb, ax=ax, shrink=0.41)
    cb.set_label('Log Leaf Area (mm2)')
    filename= "../Figures/biome_" + str(i) + "_leafarea.pdf"
    plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')  
_images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_0.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_1.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_2.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_3.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_4.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_5.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_6.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_7.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_8.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_9.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_10.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_11.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_12.png _images/Chapter_10_Differences_among_biomes_31_13.png

Visualize differences in boxplot#

List of biome names in the WWF data:


Biome name


Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests


Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests


Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests


Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests


Temperate Coniferous Forest


Boreal forests / Taiga


Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands


Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands


Flooded grasslands and savannas


Montane grasslands and shrublands




Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and scrubs


Deserts and xeric shrublands



Aggregate forest biomes into the three main categories#

  • Tropical and subtropical forests

  • Temperate forests

  • Boreal forests/Taiga

def agg_biome (row):
    if row['BIOME'] <= 3 :
        return 'Tropical and subtropical forests'
    if row['BIOME'] == 14 :
        return 'Mangroves'
    if row['BIOME'] == 9 :
        return 'Flooded grasslands and savannas'
    if row['BIOME'] == 7 :
        return 'Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands'
    if row['BIOME'] == 13 :
        return 'Deserts and xeric shrublands'
    if row['BIOME'] == 12 :
        return 'Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs' 
    if row['BIOME'] == 8 :
        return 'Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands'
    if row['BIOME'] in range(4, 6) :
        return 'Temperate forests'
    if row['BIOME'] == 6 :
        return 'Boreal forests/Taiga'
    if row['BIOME'] == 10 :
        return 'Montane grasslands and shrublands'
    if row['BIOME'] == 11 :
        return 'Tundra'
# area and observations per biome
biome_types = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0]
biome_stats = pd.DataFrame(columns=["BIOME", "AREA", "iNat_Obs"])

for b in biome_types:
    biome_wwf = wwf[wwf['BIOME']==b]
    biome_area = biome_wwf['AREA'].sum()
    biome_iNat = iNat_with_biome[iNat_with_biome['BIOME']==b]
    biome_iNatobs = int(len(biome_iNat['BIOME']))
    biome_sPlot = sPlot_with_biome[sPlot_with_biome['BIOME']==b]
    biome_sPlotobs = int(len(biome_sPlot['BIOME']))
    df = pd.DataFrame([[b, biome_area, biome_iNatobs, biome_sPlotobs]], 
                      columns=["BIOME", "AREA", "iNat_Obs", "sPlot_Obs"])
    biome_stats = biome_stats.append(df)
# add biome name
biome_stats['AggBiome'] = biome_stats.apply (lambda row: agg_biome(row), axis=1)
# calculate observation density per square km

biome_stats['iNat_Density'] = biome_stats['iNat_Obs']/biome_stats['AREA']
biome_stats['sPlot_Density'] = biome_stats['sPlot_Obs']/biome_stats['AREA']
# obs ratio:

biome_stats['Obs_Ratio'] = biome_stats['iNat_Density']/biome_stats['sPlot_Density']
BIOME AREA iNat_Obs sPlot_Obs AggBiome iNat_Density sPlot_Density Obs_Ratio
0 1.0 1.977546e+07 353149 8867.0 Tropical and subtropical forests 0.017858 0.000448 39.827337
0 2.0 3.009534e+06 86466 219.0 Tropical and subtropical forests 0.028731 0.000073 394.821918
0 3.0 7.092914e+05 76502 394.0 Tropical and subtropical forests 0.107857 0.000555 194.167513
0 4.0 1.283103e+07 5618093 25939.0 Temperate forests 0.437852 0.002022 216.58865
0 5.0 4.086175e+06 1427114 15716.0 Temperate forests 0.349254 0.003846 90.806439
0 6.0 1.512678e+07 351602 2961.0 Boreal forests/Taiga 0.023244 0.000196 118.744343
0 7.0 2.017755e+07 142568 7524.0 Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas ... 0.007066 0.000373 18.948432
0 8.0 1.010158e+07 1285220 5568.0 Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands 0.12723 0.000551 230.822557
0 9.0 1.091569e+06 29090 80.0 Flooded grasslands and savannas 0.02665 0.000073 363.625
0 10.0 5.187550e+06 79224 2993.0 Montane grasslands and shrublands 0.015272 0.000577 26.469763
0 11.0 1.165505e+07 46105 4152.0 Tundra 0.003956 0.000356 11.104287
0 12.0 3.220386e+06 1304318 6401.0 Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs 0.405019 0.001988 203.767849
0 13.0 2.788568e+07 587003 12446.0 Deserts and xeric shrublands 0.02105 0.000446 47.163988
0 14.0 3.464320e+05 14116 16.0 Mangroves 0.040747 0.000046 882.25

Aggregate different forest types#

Aggregate tropical/temperate forest types and tropical/temperate grassland types

agg_biomes2 = biome_stats.groupby('AggBiome')['iNat_Obs'].sum()
agg_biomes1 = biome_stats.groupby('AggBiome', as_index =False)['AREA'].sum()
agg_biomes2 = biome_stats.groupby('AggBiome', as_index =False)['iNat_Obs'].sum()
agg_biomes = pd.concat([agg_biomes1, agg_biomes2["iNat_Obs"]], axis=1)
agg_biomes['Obs_Density'] = agg_biomes['iNat_Obs']/agg_biomes['AREA']
agg_biomes = agg_biomes.set_index('AggBiome')
AREA iNat_Obs Obs_Density
Boreal forests/Taiga 1.512678e+07 351602 0.023244
Deserts and xeric shrublands 2.788568e+07 587003 0.021050
Flooded grasslands and savannas 1.091569e+06 29090 0.026650
Mangroves 3.464320e+05 14116 0.040747
Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs 3.220386e+06 1304318 0.405019
Montane grasslands and shrublands 5.187550e+06 79224 0.015272
Temperate forests 1.691720e+07 7045207 0.416452
Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands 1.010158e+07 1285220 0.127230
Tropical and subtropical forests 2.349428e+07 516117 0.021968
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands 2.017755e+07 142568 0.007066
Tundra 1.165505e+07 46105 0.003956

Normalize trait means#

def quantile_norm(df, s1, s2, variables):
    # empty data frame to save output:
    df_norm = pd.DataFrame()
    for v in variables:
        # make subset df
        sub_exp = df[df['Trait']==v]
        sub_exp[s1] = np.exp(sub_exp[s1].copy())
        sub_exp[s2] = np.exp(sub_exp[s2].copy())
        # determine min and max values
        min_quantile = sub_exp[s1].quantile(0.05)
        max_quantile = sub_exp[s1].quantile(0.95)
        if min_quantile > sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.05):
            min_quantile = sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.05)
        if max_quantile < sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.95):
            max_quantile = sub_exp[s2].quantile(0.95)
        sub_exp[s1] = sub_exp[s1].apply(lambda x: (x - min_quantile)/(max_quantile - min_quantile))
        sub_exp[s2] = sub_exp[s2].apply(lambda x: (x - min_quantile)/(max_quantile - min_quantile))
        df_norm = pd.concat([df_norm, sub_exp])

    return df_norm
# init new df
raster_means_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x_bin","y_bin","Trait","TraitValue_sPlot","TraitValue_iNat","BIOME"])

for b in biome_types:
    filename="WWF/grid_means_biome" + str(b) + "_2deg.csv"
    raster_means = pd.read_csv(filename)
    # normalize trait measurements
    raster_means_biome = quantile_norm(raster_means, "TraitValue_sPlot", "TraitValue_iNat", trait)
    raster_means_biome['BIOME'] = b
    raster_means_all = pd.concat([raster_means_all, raster_means_biome])

Calculate difference between iNaturalist and sPlot maps (trait values all normalized):

raster_means_all['Difference'] = raster_means_all['TraitValue_iNat'] - raster_means_all['TraitValue_sPlot']
raster_means_all['AggBiome'] = raster_means_all.apply (lambda row: agg_biome(row), axis=1)
x_bin y_bin Trait TraitValue_sPlot TraitValue_iNat BIOME Difference AggBiome
0 149.0 -21.0 Dispersal unit length 0.368411 0.307410 1.0 -0.061001 Tropical and subtropical forests
1 167.0 -21.0 Dispersal unit length 0.988748 0.134547 1.0 -0.854201 Tropical and subtropical forests
2 121.0 25.0 Dispersal unit length 0.645304 0.179513 1.0 -0.465791 Tropical and subtropical forests
3 101.0 3.0 Dispersal unit length 1.053881 0.182566 1.0 -0.871315 Tropical and subtropical forests
4 99.0 7.0 Dispersal unit length 0.351987 0.047709 1.0 -0.304278 Tropical and subtropical forests
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21 -49.0 -27.0 Seeds per rep. unit 1.000000 0.000000 14.0 -1.000000 Mangroves
22 101.0 7.0 Stem conduit density 0.231082 0.956061 14.0 0.724979 Mangroves
23 -49.0 -27.0 Stem conduit density 1.040469 -0.050319 14.0 -1.090788 Mangroves
24 101.0 7.0 SSD 0.015586 1.055556 14.0 1.039970 Mangroves
25 -49.0 -27.0 SSD 0.546889 -0.055556 14.0 -0.602445 Mangroves

20860 rows × 8 columns

raster_means_all.to_csv('raster_means_biomes_all_traits.csv', index=False) 

Plot differences in boxplot#

raster_means_all = pd.read_csv("raster_means_biomes_all_traits.csv")
def plot_boxplot(x, y, hue, data, xticklabels, xlabel, ylabel):
    colors = ['firebrick','cyan', 'slateblue', 'magenta','darkseagreen','pink','lavender']
    ax = sns.boxplot(x=x, 
                 showfliers = False,
                 linewidth = 0.8,
                meanprops={"marker":"o","markerfacecolor":"white", "markeredgecolor":"blue"}

    plt.legend(ncol=7, loc='upper left')

    # add reference line at y=0
    ax.axhline(0, ls='--', linewidth=1, color='black')

    # rotate x-axis labels for readability 
    ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=50, ha="right")

Plot Differences for top traits as boxplot:

value_list = ['Leaf Area', 'SLA', 
       'Leaf fresh mass', 'Leaf N per area', 'Plant Height',
       'Seed mass', 
       'Stem conduit density']

xticklabels =["Tropical and subtropical \n moist broadleaf forests",
              "Tropical and subtropical \n dry broadleaf forests",
              "Tropical and subtropical \n coniferous forests",
              "Temperate broadleaf \n and mixed forests",
              "Temperate Coniferous Forest", 
              "Boreal forests / Taiga",
              "Tropical and subtropical \n grasslands, savannas \n and shrublands",
              "Temperate grasslands, \n savannas and shrublands",
              "Flooded grasslands \n and savannas",
              "Montane grasslands \n and shrublands",
              "Mediterranean Forests, \n woodlands and shrubs",
              "Deserts and \n xeric shrublands","Mangroves"]

boolean_series = raster_means_all.Trait.isin(value_list)
filtered_raster_means_all = raster_means_all[boolean_series]

# set figure size

# plot
plot_boxplot(x="BIOME",y="Difference", hue="Trait", data=filtered_raster_means_all, xticklabels=xticklabels,
             ylabel= "Scaled Difference (iNaturalist - sPlotOpen)", xlabel="Biome")

plt.savefig('../Figures/wwf_difference_all_7.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

Aggregate the forests in to the 3 main categories:

# Difference
value_list = ['Leaf Area', 'SLA', 
       'Leaf fresh mass', 'Leaf N per area', 'Plant Height',
       'Seed mass', 
       'Stem conduit density']

xticklabels =["Tropical and \n subtropical forests \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Tropical and subtropical forests']][0], 3)),
              "Temperate forests \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Temperate forests']][0], 3)), 
              "Boreal forests/Taiga \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Boreal forests/Taiga']][0], 3)),
              "Tropical and subtropical \n grasslands, savannas \n and shrublands \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands']][0], 3)),
              "Temperate grasslands, \n savannas and shrublands \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands']][0], 3)),
              "Montane grasslands \n and shrublands \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Montane grasslands and shrublands']][0], 3)),
              "Tundra \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Tundra']][0], 3)),
              "Mediterranean Forests, \n woodlands and shrubs \n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs']][0], 3)),
              "Deserts and \n xeric shrublands\n d=" + 
              str(round(agg_biomes['Obs_Density'].loc[['Deserts and xeric shrublands']][0], 3))]

order = ["Tropical and subtropical forests",
        "Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands",
        "Deserts and xeric shrublands",
        "Montane grasslands and shrublands",
        "Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs",
        "Temperate forests",
        "Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands",
        "Boreal forests/Taiga",

boolean_series = raster_means_all.Trait.isin(value_list)
filtered_raster_means_all = raster_means_all[boolean_series]

boolean_series = filtered_raster_means_all.AggBiome.isin(order)
filtered_raster_means_all = filtered_raster_means_all[boolean_series]

# set figure size

# plot
plot_boxplot(x="AggBiome",y="Difference", hue="Trait", data=filtered_raster_means_all, xticklabels=xticklabels, 
             xlabel = "Biome and observation density (observation/km$^2$)",
             ylabel = "Scaled Difference (iNaturalist - sPlotOpen)")

plt.savefig('../Figures/wwf_biomes_aggr_7.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)  

Quantify average difference#

raster_means_all = pd.read_csv("raster_means_biomes_all_traits.csv")
trait = ['Leaf Area', 'SLA', 
       'Leaf fresh mass', 'Leaf N per area', 'Plant Height',
       'Seed mass', 
       'Stem conduit density']

boolean_series = raster_means_all.Trait.isin(value_list)
filtered_raster_means_all = raster_means_all[boolean_series]
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
medians= pd.DataFrame(filtered_raster_means_all.groupby(['AggBiome', 'Trait']).median()['Difference'])
AggBiome Trait
Boreal forests/Taiga Leaf Area 0.189220
Leaf N per area -0.198705
Leaf fresh mass 0.148177
Plant Height 0.006025
SLA 0.375851
medians = medians.reset_index(level=['AggBiome', 'Trait'])

Medians per trop trait in each biome:

medians = medians.pivot_table(index ='AggBiome', columns = 'Trait',
               values = 'Difference')

medians.loc["All Biomes"] = list(filtered_raster_means_all.groupby(['Trait']).median()['Difference'])
Trait Leaf Area Leaf N per area Leaf fresh mass Plant Height SLA Seed mass Stem conduit density
Boreal forests/Taiga 0.189220 -0.198705 0.148177 0.006025 0.375851 0.224411 0.093886
Deserts and xeric shrublands 0.061735 0.093049 0.141257 0.035254 0.016465 0.028652 -0.001412
Flooded grasslands and savannas -0.653303 1.000000 1.000000 -0.397079 0.525346 -0.431093 -1.000000
Mangroves 0.537941 -1.000000 -1.000000 0.326003 -0.123916 0.388160 -0.182905
Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs 0.015451 0.080470 0.139528 -0.013588 0.006157 0.064718 0.122965
Montane grasslands and shrublands 0.006176 0.125810 0.017283 0.007673 -0.018235 0.010105 0.137477
Temperate forests 0.151391 -0.058464 0.175030 -0.015376 0.263396 0.003792 0.152510
Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands 0.183634 0.024759 0.147126 0.018820 0.187566 0.099922 0.220428
Tropical and subtropical forests 0.047930 -0.147661 0.206381 -0.317911 0.298611 -0.129097 -0.025443
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands 0.111476 0.127223 0.146743 0.014482 -0.026321 0.013448 -0.200285
Tundra -0.004413 -0.126408 0.075224 -0.049303 0.361460 0.060816 0.380545
All Biomes 0.105566 -0.017394 0.154838 -0.012568 0.201795 0.013627 0.113133
medians = medians.round(2)
Trait &  Leaf Area &  Leaf N per area &  Leaf fresh mass &  Plant Height &   SLA &  Seed mass &  Stem conduit density \\
AggBiome                                           &            &                  &                  &               &       &            &                       \\
Boreal forests/Taiga                               &       0.19 &            -0.20 &             0.15 &          0.01 &  0.38 &       0.22 &                  0.09 \\
Deserts and xeric shrublands                       &       0.06 &             0.09 &             0.14 &          0.04 &  0.02 &       0.03 &                 -0.00 \\
Flooded grasslands and savannas                    &      -0.65 &             1.00 &             1.00 &         -0.40 &  0.53 &      -0.43 &                 -1.00 \\
Mangroves                                          &       0.54 &            -1.00 &            -1.00 &          0.33 & -0.12 &       0.39 &                 -0.18 \\
Mediterranean Forests, woodlands and shrubs        &       0.02 &             0.08 &             0.14 &         -0.01 &  0.01 &       0.06 &                  0.12 \\
Montane grasslands and shrublands                  &       0.01 &             0.13 &             0.02 &          0.01 & -0.02 &       0.01 &                  0.14 \\
Temperate forests                                  &       0.15 &            -0.06 &             0.18 &         -0.02 &  0.26 &       0.00 &                  0.15 \\
Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands      &       0.18 &             0.02 &             0.15 &          0.02 &  0.19 &       0.10 &                  0.22 \\
Tropical and subtropical forests                   &       0.05 &            -0.15 &             0.21 &         -0.32 &  0.30 &      -0.13 &                 -0.03 \\
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas a... &       0.11 &             0.13 &             0.15 &          0.01 & -0.03 &       0.01 &                 -0.20 \\
Tundra                                             &      -0.00 &            -0.13 &             0.08 &         -0.05 &  0.36 &       0.06 &                  0.38 \\
All Biomes                                         &       0.11 &            -0.02 &             0.15 &         -0.01 &  0.20 &       0.01 &                  0.11 \\