Create TRY summary statistics per species#

In this section we download and preprocess the TRY trait data. The TRY database contains trait measurements from individual plants and, typically, multiple individual measurements per trait and species. We want an mean (and stadard deviation) for each trait value per species.

This section covers:

  • Download TRY Data

  • Load data

  • Fuzzy Aggregation of species names

  • Mean trait measurement per species


import pandas as pd # dataframes
import numpy as np  
import os # system interface
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting

# fuzzy matching
#import rapidfuzz
from rapidfuzz import process, fuzz

Download TRY Data#

To download data from the TRY database, create an account at

We choose the option of open access data only, but the curators of this database still require you to add a short project description to your download request. You will then be sent a download link via e-mail.

For this study we will use continuous (con) traits used in the sPlot analysis from Buehlheide et al. 2018:




Leaf area (in case of compound leaves: leaflet, undefined if petiole is in- or excluded)



Leaf area per leaf dry mass (specific leaf area, SLA or 1/LMA): undefined if petiole is in- or excluded)



Stem specific density (SSD) or wood density (stem dry mass per stem fresh volume)



Leaf carbon (C) content per leaf dry mass



Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf dry mass



Leaf phosphorus (P) content per leaf dry mass



Plant height vegetative



Seed dry mass



Seed length



Leaf dry mass per leaf fresh mass (leaf dry matter content, LDMC)



Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf area



Leaf nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) ratio



Leaf nitrogen (N) isotope signature (delta 15N)



Seed number per reproducton unit


Leaf fresh mass



Stem conduit density (vessels and tracheids)



Dispersal unit length



Wood vessel element length; stem conduit (vessel and tracheids) element length



When asked which traits you would like to download, type in the following list. This filters TRY data for our traits of interest, listed in the table above.

3113, 3117, 4, 13, 14, 15, 3106, 26, 27, 47, 50, 56, 78, 138, 163, 169, 237, 282

Load TRY data#

First, load the TRY data as a data frame, selecting only the following columns:

  • AccSpeciesName - Consolidated species name

  • SpeciesName - Species name

  • TraitID - Unique identifier for traits (only if the record is a trait)

  • TraitName - Name of trait (only if the record is a trait)

  • StdValue - Standardized value: available for standardized traits

TRYdata = pd.read_csv("TRY/19287.txt", sep = "\t", encoding="iso-8859-1", 
                      usecols = ["AccSpeciesName", "SpeciesName", "TraitID", "TraitName", "StdValue"],
                     dtype={'TraitID': float})

Each row represents one trait measurements performed on one individual plant. To get an idea of the data, look at the shape of the dataframe. We then remove the observations that do not have measurements for out traits of interest, i.e. the trait ID is NaN.

(16015161, 5)
TRYdata = TRYdata.dropna(subset=["TraitID"])
# check number of unique trait names
# number of unique species
# Test histrogramm output for Stem specific density (SSD) as an example:

StdValues = TRYdata.loc[TRYdata["TraitID"] == 4, ["StdValue"]]
plt.hist(StdValues, bins=25);

Fuzzy Aggregation of species names#

Are there duplicates in the TRY species names?

We remove author annotation from species names, since the data we want to later merge TRY data with - iNaturalist, observations - only have species names without author annotations.

# make all letters lower case
TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'] = TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'].str.lower()
# capitalize first letter in string
TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'] = TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'].str.capitalize()
# get only two first words (split at space)
TRYdata['AccSpeciesName']  = TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.split()[0:2]))
# change type to string
TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'] = TRYdata['AccSpeciesName'].astype(str)

# same for species name
TRYdata['SpeciesName'] = TRYdata['SpeciesName'].str.lower()
TRYdata['SpeciesName'] = TRYdata['SpeciesName'].str.capitalize()
TRYdata['SpeciesName'] = TRYdata['SpeciesName'].astype(str)
TRYdata['SpeciesName']  = TRYdata['SpeciesName'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.split()[0:2]))

Unique species:

TRY_sp = TRYdata["AccSpeciesName"].apply(str)
TRY_sp = TRY_sp.unique()
def fuzzy_match(choices, queries, cutoff):
    score_sort = [(x,) + i
             for x in queries
             for i in process.extract(x, choices, score_cutoff=cutoff, scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio) ]
    similarity_sort = pd.DataFrame(score_sort)
    similarity_sort = similarity_sort[similarity_sort[2] != 100.0]
    return similarity_sort
TRY_matches = fuzzy_match(TRY_sp, TRY_sp, 95)
0 1 2 3
86 Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus officilis 95.238095 49470
97 Symphoricarpos albus Symphoricarpus albus 95.000000 45580
135 Chionochloa rigida Chionochloa frigida 97.297297 10863
172 Andropogon gerardii Andropogon gerardi 97.297297 9294
354 Tourouli guianensis Touroulia guianensis 97.435897 25350

Only 0.5% of unique species in TRY have potential duplicates (similar names). We decided to diregard this slight uncertainty and accepted that these species might not be matched to the iNaturalist observations.

We devide the number for matches by 2, since every pair is listed twice (positions switched).


Mean trait measurement per species#

Here we create a dataframe with one species per row with a mean trait value and standard deviations for each trait in the following columns.

Number of unique species:


Create summary stats with consolidated species name#

Use groupby function to group data by consolidated species name and trait; grouping variables: AccSpeciesName, TraitName, TraitID.

More information:

# group data by species name and trait

grouped = TRYdata.groupby(['AccSpeciesName', 'TraitID', 'TraitName'])

Calculate statistics (mean and standard deviation) using the aggregate function on each group. This returns a data frame with the mean and standard deviation for each species and each trait per row. Reset indeces (species name, trait ID and trait name) as columns in dataframe.

TRYsummary = grouped['StdValue'].agg([np.mean]).reset_index()

#check output
AccSpeciesName TraitID TraitName mean
0 Aa 14.0 Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf dry mass 26.400000
1 Aa 50.0 Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf area 2.798400
2 Aa 3117.0 Leaf area per leaf dry mass (specific leaf are... 9.433962
3 Aaronsohnia pubescens 3106.0 Plant height vegetative 0.200000
4 Abacaba (palm) 3106.0 Plant height vegetative 15.000000
def shorten_names(df):

    df.rename(columns = {'Stem specific density (SSD) or wood density (stem dry mass per stem fresh volume)':'SSD'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf carbon (C) content per leaf dry mass':'Leaf C'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf dry mass':'Leaf N per mass'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf phosphorus (P) content per leaf dry mass':'Leaf P'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf dry mass per leaf fresh mass (leaf dry matter content, LDMC)':'LDMC'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Seed dry mass':'Seed mass'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Seed length':'Seed length'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf nitrogen (N) content per leaf area':'Leaf N per area'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) ratio':'Leaf N P ratio'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf nitrogen (N) isotope signature (delta 15N)':'Leaf delta15N'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf fresh mass':'Leaf fresh mass'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Seed number per reproducton unit':'Seeds per rep. unit'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Stem conduit density (vessels and tracheids)':'Stem conduit density'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Dispersal unit length':'Dispersal unit length'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Wood vessel element length; stem conduit (vessel and tracheids) element length':'Conduit element length'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Plant height vegetative':'Plant Height'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf area (in case of compound leaves: leaflet, undefined if petiole is in- or excluded)':'Leaf Area'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(columns = {'Leaf area per leaf dry mass (specific leaf area, SLA or 1/LMA): undefined if petiole is in- or excluded':'SLA'}, inplace = True)

Change data frame from long to wide using pandas.DataFrame.pivot. And shorten trait names.

TRYsummary_t = TRYsummary.pivot(index=["AccSpeciesName"], columns="TraitName", values="mean")

# reset indeces (species name) as columns in data frame


TraitName AccSpeciesName Dispersal unit length Leaf Area SLA Leaf C LDMC Leaf fresh mass Leaf N per area Leaf N per mass Leaf delta15N Leaf N P ratio Leaf P Plant Height Seed mass Seed length Seeds per rep. unit Stem conduit density SSD Conduit element length
0 Aa NaN NaN 9.433962 NaN NaN NaN 2.7984 26.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Aaronsohnia pubescens NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Abacaba (palm) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Because some species have a different SpeciesName and AccSpeciesName, we have more rows than unique species. We will keep all for now, so we can match the names.

(51908, 19)
TRYsummary_t.to_csv("TRY/TRY_summary_stats.csv", index=False)

Create summary stats with original name#

# group data by species name and trait, same analysis as above
grouped_syn = TRYdata.groupby(['SpeciesName', 'TraitID', 'TraitName'])

TRYsummary_syn = grouped_syn['StdValue'].agg([np.mean]).reset_index()

# change df shape
TRYsummary_t_syn = TRYsummary_syn.pivot(index=["SpeciesName"], columns="TraitName", values="mean")

# reset indeces (species name) as columns in data frame

# shorten column names

TraitName SpeciesName Dispersal unit length Leaf Area SLA Leaf C LDMC Leaf fresh mass Leaf N per area Leaf N per mass Leaf delta15N Leaf N P ratio Leaf P Plant Height Seed mass Seed length Seeds per rep. unit Stem conduit density SSD Conduit element length
0 (fabaceae) NaN NaN 21.3385 NaN NaN NaN 1.578157 33.150000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 (fabaceae) 20-25oblong NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.761453 32.513864 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 (fabaceae) brillafuzzy NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.397197 33.837593 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Save this dataframe as csv.

TRYsummary_t_syn.to_csv("TRY/TRY_summary_stats_syn.csv", index=False)